Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) calculator for Bonfida (FIDA) backtesting
Visualise and calculate historical returns of investing $100 in FIDA every 7 days from Nov 2024 until now
Value in FIAT
in 3 months
Remaining investment
Lost value
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FIDA selling price
1st order $0.25
Average price
Selling price
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Total Investment
Over 11 instalments of $100, every 7 days
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Earnings over time
Estimate the development of your earnings over time
FIDA price over time
Price development vs. average cost
Profit/Loss every 7 days
Based on your purchase interval you would make profit 36% of the time
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Historical average price development
Simulation of purchase history
Profit / loss by investment cadence
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In-Depth Backtesting
What is Bonfida (FIDA)?
Bonfida (FIDA) is a blockchain-focused project driven by a group of experts in cryptocurrencies, analytics, and engineering. The core mission of Bonfida is to enhance the world of decentralized identities by developing the Solana Name Service (SNS). SNS aims to provide a decentralized and cost-effective solution for mapping domain names (represented as .sol) to on-chain data, including Solana addresses, IPFS CID, images, text, and more. The service offers human-readable names that map to SOL addresses, creating pseudo-anonymous identities for users in the metaverse.
In advocating Web3 principles, Bonfida emphasizes the importance of users owning and controlling their names and associated data in a privacy-preserving manner to establish trustworthy reputations in both Web2 and Web3 environments. By bridging the gap between the familiar web and the decentralized ecosystem, Bonfida seeks to drive mass adoption of blockchain technology.
Who created Bonfida (FIDA)?
Bonfida was founded by a team of industry veterans with diverse expertise, including professionals in cryptocurrencies, analytics, and engineering. The core players, including the seed investors, are committed to the long-term development of the project. Notably, 95.4% of all FIDA tokens are locked for four years, ensuring a controlled supply and distribution of tokens. With a strong focus on the decentralized naming space and the Solana Name Service, the team is dedicated to enriching the user experience within the decentralized finance (DeFi) sphere.
What is $FIDA used for?
$FIDA serves as the utility token within the Bonfida ecosystem, enabling users to participate in the Solana Name Service and access various features and functionalities. The token plays a dual role, serving as collateral and an entrance requirement to the Velo Ecosystem, securing the network and facilitating value transfer. Additionally, $FIDA is utilized for rewards, incentives, and funding opportunities through Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) and Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) to engage the community and foster its growth. The controlled token distribution and locked holdings ensure a unique position for $FIDA, minimizing large holders' impact on the token's circulation and promoting stability within the ecosystem.
What is a DCA-CC Calculator and How to Use it?
If you want to test out your investment strategy, you'll need to understand how it works and what you're hoping to achieve. This is where the DCA-CC calculator comes in - it can help you see if your strategy will generate the return you want.
The calculator is separated into two modes: the dollar cost average calculator and the lump sum investing calculator. You can use either one to budget for your investments on a regular basis, or to invest all your money at once.
To use the DCA-CC, start by entering a DCA or lump sum investment amount. Then, select the time period, interval, and investment you want to use. The calculator will show you how your strategy would perform under those conditions. You can also experiment with different parameters to see how they affect your results.
And that's not all! The DCA-CC also lets you see how your investment would fare if you used the lump sum strategy. So if you're not sure which approach is right for you, this calculator can help you compare and make the best decision.
What is DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging)?
DCA is like buying a little bit of your favorite cryptocurrency each week or month regardless of the price. By buying equal dollar amounts at regular intervals, you're helping to smooth out the bumps of a volatile market.
Think of it as when buying a house. When you want to buy a house, you don't just fork over all the cash upfront. You make a down payment, and then you pay the mortgage every month. Over time, the house is yours.
DCA is like that, but with investments. You spread your investment out over time, so you're less likely to buy when the market is high. And just like with a house, you eventually own more and more of your investment.
By buying a little bit of your favorite cryptocurrency each day, week or month, you're making small, regular payments that will help you get the coin you want without waiting for a price dip.
Of course, there is always the risk that the price of the coin could continue to fall. However, this risk can be mitigated by using DCA when the market is trending upwards.
How to use DCA-CC to backtest your dollar cost average strategy?
Do you want to know how effective your dollar cost averaging strategy would have been in the past? The DCA-CC calculator can tell you for sure!
This tool is designed to help you backtest your investment strategy, so you can compare it against other strategies and decide which one is best for you.
When you first use the tool, we'll make some assumptions about your potential investment. For example, we'll assume you're investing $10 in bitcoin every week for the past three years.
Of course, you can change the parameters at any time to get more accurate results. So why wait? Use the DCA-CC calculator tool now and find out how your investment strategy would have fared in the past.
DCA Widgets
Top 3 cards
Value in FIAT, BTC selling price and Total investment cards are the easiest to understand. However, we'll give a little more explanation:
What is DCA Value in FIAT card?
The Value in FIAT card is a great way to see the value of your investments after a dollar cost averaging period. This card can help you understand how DCA affects the value of your investment over time.
The scale on the lower part of the widget displays the investment to interest ratio. In other words: it shows how much of your investment is lost or how much was added to your investment due to the earnings.
What does the DCA Value in FIAT card show?
This card lets you know how much your cryptocurrency is worth in Fiat currency at the end of your investment period. In other words, the price you sell it at.
The card also shows you the price of your first order, so you can see how the market volatility affects your investment over time.
Lastly, the card shows the ratio of the selling price to the average price. This is helpful in determining the value of your investment strategy and how it impacts the selling price.
What is a DCA Total Investment card?
The total investment card calculates how much money you would have invested, given an initial investment and an investment interval, over a specified period of time.
For example, if you invest $100 every month for 3 years, the total investment card would show you how much money you would have invested at the end of those 3 years.
We are presenting two charts here: a chart of earnings over time, and a chart of price over time. These charts can help provide context and perspective, and allow you to see what would be different if you entered or exited the market at a different time.
Earnings over time
This chart shows how much money you've made over time from your investments. It includes your balance in FIAT (the dollar equivalent of cryptocurrencies) as well as your total investment up to that day.
BTC price over time
This chart shows the price of a given cryptocurrency over time, as well as the average cost of a cryptocurrency on any given day.
This chart can help you understand the value of dollar cost averaging as a strategy, and how it may impact your earnings.
What is a Fact card?
The Fact card is an automated message that summarises all the information from all the charts in a short, sharable sentence.
What is Profit/Loss card?
The Profit/Loss card is a tool that can help you to better manage your risks by understanding how often you might be making a profit. As with everyhing else here, this card can provide guidance and clarity in your decision-making process.
What is Purchase history?
What you'll find here is a table of purchase data, which includes information like how much cryptocurrency you could buy with the money invested on a given day, or how much you would have profited or lost at a given point in history.
What is Lump Sum Investing strategy?
Lump sum investing strategy is a method of investing where you invest a fixed sum of money all at once. This is in contrast to dollar-cost averaging, where you spread your investment into several installments over a period of time.
Lump sum investing has its pros and cons. On the plus side, you only have to make the investment decision once. And, if you’re investing in a volatile asset like cryptocurrency, you may benefit from buying when prices are low and selling when prices are high. On the downside, you could end up buying at the top of a market bubble – and we all know how those end.
So, should you go with lump sum investing or dollar-cost averaging? That depends on your investment goals and your personal risk tolerance. If you’re the type of person who can stomach the ups and downs of the market, and you believe in the long-term potential of the asset you’re investing in, then lump sum investing may be the way to go.
How to use DCA-CC to backtest your lump sum investment strategy?
DCA-CC is a powerful, easy to use backtesting tool that can be used to test and optimise your investment strategy.
The DCA-CC calculator will help you calculate the performance of your investment strategy across different market conditions.
You can also compare your performance against other strategies such as dollar cost averaging.
It's easy to use and only takes a few seconds to set up.
Here's how it works:
Enter the amount of money you want to invest.
Choose the cryptocurrency you want to invest in.
Choose a time range
Press the "Calculate" button.
The DCA-CC calculator will then show you how much money you would have made if you had invested that money in the cryptocurrency at that price.
Lump Sum Widgets
Both lump sum investment and DCA widgets are very similar, yet the strategy we employ is different. Some data is presented differently, so we will mention only these differences here.
Top 3 cards
As with the DCA strategy, we have three key cards here: Value in FIAT, BTC selling price and Total investment.
What is a Lump sum selling price card?
This card displays the value of the chosen cryptocurrency - the current selling price.
It also displays the ratio of the current selling price to the buying price. This information is helpful in showcase the value of your investment strategy and its impact on your selling price over time.
What is a Lump sum Total Investment card?
The amount on the total investment card will always be different from the investment parameter you entered into the calculator. This is because we calculate the total investment using the DCA strategy. Doing this allows us to show you the impact of investing the same amount of money using two different strategies.
As a reminder, in the DCA strategy, the total investment card takes your initial investment and your investment interval and multiplies it over the time period provided.